Where should I set up my mobile truck repair business? Will you have a radius of 50 miles, or 100? Something in between? The distance you have to travel to and between customers will impact your fuel consumption, insurance, and general wear and tear on your repair truck, so figure out early on the area you plan on sticking to. You’ll also want to determine your range-how far you’re willing to go to customers. This is a huge topic unto itself and what you end up paying will depend on the size of your business, the type of truck you get, and so on. Again, this varies by state you’ll need to find out exactly what you need. Obtain whatever additional licenses you’ll need.

Those lug nuts don’t appear out of thin air. This lets you buy parts (often in bulk, for wholesale prices) and sell them to your clients. Obtain a reseller’s permit from your state.Obtain an EIN number from the IRS (it’s free, and it takes about two minutes online).
Big rig truck repair stoughton wi license#

If you’re interested in a potentially lucrative diesel career that gets you out of the shop and out on the road, being a mobile tech might be for you. Well, we’ve got good news for you: Mobile truck repair services are on the rise. But breakdowns and other roadside misfortunes happen sometimes a truck needs a mechanic, plain and simple.Īh, Fullbay, we hear you say, if only mechanics could go to injured trucks instead of just summoning a tow. That’s why preventive maintenance is so critical-it stops a lot of problems before they can start. No fleet operator wants to get that kind of invoice. If it’s been heavily damaged or in an accident, you could be looking at $10,000-$50,000. The price to tow a damaged, misbehaving, or otherwise wounded big rig (or other heavy-duty machine) will depend on what shape it’s in and how far you need to take it. No, no, don’t open up a bunch of search tabs.